Every warrior has a favorite weapon and mine is the phrase, "I choose Jesus." Those three simple word don't appear to be awe inspiring or fear worthy but they are the three most powerful words one can ever utter.
This week I've been suffering from great anxiety, and if you suffer you already understand that it sneaks up on you and comes and goes in varying degrees of debilitation. The ones that hit me this week have been very powerful indeed. Ironically I am grateful for the memories that these attacks bring because they reckon back to the time when I was a slave to anxiety and depression. So while I battle these feelings of paranoia and fear I take the time to appreciate just how far those three words mentioned above have taken me!
While I may never be entirely free of these attacks I now have the weapons, skill, and courage to fend them off all given to me by our Lord Jesus Christ who stands with me and battles for me.
So in the midst of an attack I choose Jesus. When faced with fear I choose the Lord. And when those negative feelings have passed I choose my Lord all the more, with gratitude and praise.
All of my days - I choose Jesus! I choose to believe that I am who he created me to be for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I choose to believe that I am a child of God, a citizen of the Kingdom of heaven, and that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I choose to believe that I can walk in freedom and peace just like he's promised. I choose these things. And when I do I release his power and promises into my life and find myself free of fear and paranoia once again.
With these three words: "I choose Jesus" comes the greatest hope that the world has ever seen.
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