"Confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle with your demons will cause your angels to sing. Use the pain as fuel, as a reminder of your strength." - August Wilson

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Conversations with our Father

I saw this cartoon on the wall where I work.  It struck me as profound truth, and I wanted to share that with you.  To often I make too big of a deal out of prayer.  It does not have to be a complex ritual.  It does not have to be filled with bible verse or formal language.  While all of these things are beautiful, and have their place, many times prayer can and should just be a quiet conversation with our best friend.  Yes he is the Lord of the Universe.  Yes he is our King and our Father in heaven.  But he is and always will be our friend.  So today I'm going to have a long casual conversation with my friend, who knows all and will always love me.  I hope you do too.

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